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Menakao are one of the few chocolate makers who craft chocolate in the very country in which it sources its cacao from. It was Shahin Chenai’s dream to complete the bean-to-bar process all within his home country of Madagascar, so to ensure high wages for the farmers and factory workers.

The name ‘Menakao’ itself is a neologism composed of two words expressing Shahin’s vision – mena, meaning “red” in Malagasy, and kao, short of “kakao”. Red symbolises the colour of the sediment-rich soil and the cocoa pods themselves. The inclusion of the Malagasy word for “cocoa” is a little more self-explanatory.

On the cover of its packaging, Menakao depict the men and women central to its inspiration. Each illustration was painted by the late A. Ramiandrasoa, a local artist whose insight into the different tribes and cultures of the Madagascan people is unrivalled. Every bar of Menakao invites the chocolate-lover to engage with the rich cultural diversity of Madagascar.

All added ingredients, such as vanilla, cane sugar and fleur de sel are sourced from Madagascar. Through the implementation of organic farming and the abandonment of chemicals and pesticides, many plantations from which Menakao source its ingredients from are considered to be 100% bio-positive.

Wanting to find out more about Menakao and its vision, we spoke to Shahin Chenai…

Un cacao fin
Grâce à un cacao classé parmi les meilleurs du monde et labellisé « Cacao fin » par l’Organisation Internationale du Cacao depuis janvier 2016, le chocolat malgache est apprécié pour ses notes florales, sa pointe d’acidité et sa légère astringence en fin de bouche
MENA signifie rouge en Malgache
Rouge comme la couleur de la terre, riche en minéraux et sédiments déposés par la rivière Sambirano, rouge comme la couleur des cabosses qui proviennent des meilleurs producteurs de la vallée du Sambirano, rouge comme la couleur de notre chocolat, enfin Mena comme l’île Rouge : Madagascar.
KAO pour cacao
Nos fèves sont issues des meilleures coopératives de planteurs de la vallée du Sambirano (région d’Ambanja). Nous développons nos recettes en privilégiant les produits locaux (gamme 100% Madagascar, Truly Madagascar), et ce à partir de fèves supérieure ou premium.